We repair and we take care of your computer.

Laboratory :

Bringing the PC at the laboratory will save the "right call"

Average times:3-5 days

Cost:Free if the intervention is under warranty.

40,00€ / hour out of warranty (see packages)


Call Labonet (On-site intervention) :

Addressed mainly all`utente that requires an intervention on site

Average times:5-7 days

Cost:Right call: 36,00€ City / 72,00€ Province

+ Cost per hour (48,00€ / hour)


Call Labonet 16h:

Max time:Within 16h working

Cost:Right call: 150,00€ City / 175,00€ Province

+ Cost per hour (60,00€ / hour)


Contract Labonet

For users who need a dedicated service with short response times

Max time:Within 16h working

Cost:Right call: 25,00€ (applies after the 3rd intervention)

+ Cost per hour (40,00€ / hour)

+ Service HelpDesk_Labonet free

+ Cost Contract: From. As far as 3 pc 350,00€


MPC (Programmed Maintenance Certified):

For users who want the guarantee of a regular maintenance schedule that reduces the risk of failures and emergency response.